By 2050, one in three Americans will be Diabetic

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Completely You: Health

By 2050, one in three Americans will be diabetic. Here’s how to lower your chances of being one of them.

By Kim Schworm Acosta for completely You

It’s every woman’s worst nightmare: a breast cancer diagnosis. and with all the media attention, you’d think breast cancer really is the life sentence for all women over 40. but did you know that twice as lots of women die of diabetes each year? In fact, one in 10 women over the age of 20 is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes — and because there are typically no remove symptoms, lots of a lot more have it without even knowing.

could you be one of them? Here’s what you need to know about diabetes to help you stop and fight off this killer disorder.

The Dangers of Diabetes

Diabetes wreaks havoc by stopping your body from using carbohydrates, its main source of energy. When you consume carbohydrates, your body converts them into glucose; it then produces a hormone called insulin to make the glucose into energy. but diabetes prevents the body from creating enough insulin, so the glucose develops up in the blood instead of being converted into energy. This results in hazardous predicaments, from blurred vision and gum disease, to kidney failure and coma.

What You Can Do ideal Now

The good news is, certain practices can decrease your risk of getting diabetes. Make these smart steps daily habits:

Walk 30 minutes a day. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a major federal study, found that walking just half an hour a day reduces your chances of developing diabetes by 30 percent. “Even if you don’t see big results on the scale, you’re assisting your insulin work better,” states Campbell.

Opt for the “plate method.” maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to stopping diabetes. find a method you can adopt for a lifetime, states Amy Campbell, a registered dietitian and diabetes educator at Joslin Diabetes Center. She suggests the “plate method,” where you assign a space on your plate for each type of nutrient you need. At every meal, fill your plate strategically:

Half with vegetables

A quarter with healthy protein (i.e., chicken, lean meat or fish)

A quarter with a whole-grain carbohydrate (e.g., brown rice or a whole-wheat roll)

Add a piece of a fruit or a low fat yogurt on the side, and you’ve done it!

Swap white for brown. Researchers at the Harvard school of Public health estimate that choosing brown rice instead of white can minimize your diabetes risk by 16 percent. choose another type of whole grain, such as barley, and you’ll lower your risk by 36 percent!

Choose “whole” vs. “enriched.” Go directly to the components list when evaluating foods at the grocery story, states Campbell. “Look for the word ‘whole’ rather than ‘enriched’ — whole-wheat or whole-grain rye, for example,” she says. Enriched products may sound healthy, but they are actually fine-tuned foods to which a few synthetic nutrients have been added to comprise for the natural nutrients stripped during refining.

Whip up yummy salads. Leafy eco-friendlies do double task when it concerns diabetes prevention. The magnesium in romaine, spinach and their dark-green brethren may help fight diabetes, but so does the vitamin D, states Campbell. several studies show a link between low vitamin D levels and greater insulin resistance. Plus, eating lots of high-volume produce makes you less likely to enjoy snack foods full of fine-tuned sugars.

Gå amok! eating 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or an ounce of nuts five or a lot more times a week cuts your risk of diabetes by 20 to 30 percent, according to a Harvard school of Public health study published in the Journal of the American medical Association. Peanuts are a good option, as are any other type of nuts.

Know your risk. Although any individual can develop type 2 diabetes, three elements increase your risk: age, family history and obesity. also be aware of common symptoms, including the following:

Excessive thirst and urination

Tingling sensations at the hands and feet

Wounds that heal slowly

Red, inflamed, bleeding gums


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Link til dette indlæg: I 2050, en ud af tre amerikanere vil være diabetisk


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