Weekend reflection #61 | fourth of July as well as Kicks in the Ribs Oh My!

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It’s time when once again to show on the past week. What were a few of the positive things that happened? What truly bothered you? Did you laugh? Skrig? Stand on your head? Whatever you did this past week I want to hear it. composing down all the crazy things that occurred over the past week is a great method to offer with stress. As our lives get busier as well as busier together with it is stress. It is time to let it all out so you can take pleasure in your weekend. get hold of the button code, make your blog publish as well as don’t fail to remember to leave your link with Mr. Linky!

Happy fourth of July everyone! Are you doing anything exciting? I’m not truly doing much. I’m meant to take the youngsters over to granny as well as Grandpa’s later this afternoon even though I must be resting. I believe we’ll go anyway. Chris is working as well as he must be making some great money today since it is a holiday.

I would have written this earlier however Conan woke up ideal after I got done making coffee as well as I had just turned my lap top on. now Courtney is up so she is taking care of the youngsters as well as I can work a bit bit up until it is time to get prepared to leave.

This week wasn’t as well exciting. The youngsters spent a lot of of their time either at granny as well as Grandpa’s or with their daddy so I might rest. as well as I really rested a great deal a lot more than normal this past week except for Thursday.

Thursday was crazy. Chris was off however he was truly grumpy. I don’t understand if he was stressing out about something or if I was bothering him (with the pregnancy hormones you never know.) I have no hint what was up his butt.

The youngsters have a kiddie pool that I gotten them last year. It is one of those additional big strike up kind with a slide as well as toys. They like playing in it. Back in may when I wasn’t on bed rest I took the pool out, sanitized it with antibacterial meal soap as well as water, blew it up as well as added some chlorine to the water (we had a horrible algae issue with the pool last year.) This process was time consuming however it had to be performed in buy for the youngsters to take pleasure in their pool for the summer. I likewise observed that there were a few holes in it so I gotten a patch set as well as asked Chris to patch up the holes. I have no concept exactly how to do that with a kiddie pool.

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They utilized the pool for a few weeks however then we got some odd weather condition as well as it rained as well as cooled off for about a week. The pool sat lonely in a heap in the middle of the yard. It gathered dirt from the youngsters discarding dirt on it from the garden as well as just looked terrible. ultimately a few of the air likewise leaked out. When the weather condition started to get warmer I asked Chris to take care of the pool. I told him that considering that I did it the last time it was his turn. This was weeks ago.When I was put on bed rest the pool still sat in the yard. once again I asked Chris to take care of it. once again it sat for a couple a lot more weeks. The weekend that we had over 100 degree temperatures the pool sat alone in a heap in the middle of the yard. So on Thursday I was ill as well as worn out of it just sitting there. once again I asked Chris to take care of it. He went out into the back lawn as well as I believed that is what he was going to do however instead he got the yard mower out. Okay, indeed the lawn over by the garden was getting tall since we run the sprinkler for the garden there daily to ensure that was alright. It only took him about ten minutes to mow that lawn however he still refused to set up the youngsters pool.

I was ill as well as worn out of them whining about wanting to play in their pool so even though I am meant to be resting assumption what I had to do on Thursday? when once again I got out my container of warm water as well as meal soap together with three rags as well as together Ciara, Conan as well as I cleaned as well as set up the pool. I was so upset with Chris that day. however now they have a great clean pool to play in.

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Gæt hvad? just this morning I started to feel kicks to my ribs!Dette er den største følelse! Jeg tror, ​​at han til sidst vendte sig! Jeg har et OB -besøg på mandag, så ideelt set har de tid til at inspicere såvel som se, om jeg har ret. Sidste gang jeg havde et besøg, var de så hektiske, at lægen måtte skynde sig med min aftale. Men jeg kan godt lide følelsen af ​​at begynde ribbenene! Det er så meget meget bedre end at begynde hofterne.

Okay nu er det tid for mig at udlufte lidt om mit job. Jeg kan godt lide mit job. Jeg kan godt lide sandheden, at jeg kan tjene nogle ekstra penge ved at gøre det, jeg elsker, skrive, undersøge, opdage såvel som netværk med andre kvinder med lignende interesser. Jeg kan lide det! Men med alle opgaver opdager du altid noget at gribe om. Altid.

Jeg er ked af, hvis jeg fornærmer en person, der gør dette, men jeg kræver for at få det ud af mit system. Jeg kan ikke lide at få e -mail -svar til kommentarer, som jeg placerer på andre blogs! Denne sidste uge fik jeg masser af dem, så jeg ikke forstår, hvorfor nogen ville gå med vanskeligheden med at gøre dette. Er alt, hvad de gør, er at være rodet i boksen så godt som jeg ender med at slette dem.

Jeg observerede ligeledes et nyt mønster blandt bloggere. Hvis de har brug for, at du forlader din e -mail -adresse sammen med din kommentar, sender de dig et link for at verificere et medlemskab af deres nyhedsbrev. Hvad er der med dette! Jeg anmodede ikke om et medlemskab af et nyhedsbrev! Slet.

Så for dem af jer, der ikke er bevidste om passende blogkommentarregler, vil jeg give dig en hurtig lektion. Når nogen efterlader en kommentar til din blog, er den rigtige ting at gøre, at gå til deres blog samt kommentere tilbage. Hvis de spørger en bekymring over dit indlæg på dit blogsvar på din blog såvel som eller på deres blog. Vi vil ikke have e -mail -svar! Jeg får tilstrækkelige e -mails på en leveret dag.

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Jeg løfter, at jeg bruger 2-3 timer om dagen på at sortere med min e-mail. Det er en spredning af tid. Jeg gør måske noget for at tjene penge i disse timer. Min blog er min husservice så godt, da jeg ikke kræver rod for at sprænge min tid. Min husstand afhænger af den indtjening, jeg foretager på dette websted.

Okay. Jeg er alt sammen færdig. Jeg har det meget bedre. Kræver du at lufte lidt om noget? Du kan bruge weekendreflektion som en metode til at lufte om alt, hvad der understreger dig eller generer dig.

I would like to hear exactly how your week went. join in the fun as well as don’t fail to remember to leave your link!

Grab the weekend reflection Code

Deltag i det sunde mødre -samfund

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